Monday, February 25, 2008


Okay, so no song clip this week, but that’s okay. We’ve got new information on Vanessa and her music, thanks to Tim and his sources from PMB and Hollywood Records.So here’s what’s what and happening:

1. 18 songs completed. 2 more to go.
2. There will be a couple of songs in “Will” from Vanessa. More than three.ETA! Newest info! From Tim: “I just found out that Vanessa’s 1st single will be chosen in a matter of days to 2 weeks !!!”

Not much, but still something. Keep wishing for that song clip to appear soon - hopefully next week! & They recently posted that the previously mentioned song I Will [written by Hilary Duff] that Vanessa recorded has been taken off her album. Appearantly, it just didn't flow right with the rest of the songs.